Saturday, July 27, 2024
Homemiddle eastUS Embassy in Tunisia to close two days due to expected pro-Palestinians...

US Embassy in Tunisia to close two days due to expected pro-Palestinians protests

TUNIS – The U.S Embassy in Tunisia said on Wednesday it would close to the public for routine services on Thursday and Friday in an abundance caution, due to expected pro-Palestinian protests in the country.

A national protest is expected to take place on Thursday, with the participation of most of the country’s political parties and groups, including the powerful Labor Union UGTT, which has a large popular base.

Demonstrations will also take place on Friday, as Hamas leaders called for a day of support throughout the Arab world.

“In an abundance of caution, the embassy is closed to the public for routine services on Thursday, October 12 and Friday, October 13,” the embassy said in a statement, adding that it is not aware of specific or credible threat at this time.

The planned protests follow Israeli reprisal strikes on blockaded Gaza that have killed 1,100 people and wounded 5,339 after Hamas militants killed at least 1,200 Israelis, mostly civilians, in a rampage after breaching the fence enclosing Gaza on Saturday.

In 2012, hundreds of protesters attacked the U.S embassy in Tunis, over a film denigrating the Prophet Mohammad, an attack in which Tunisian police killed four protesters. REUTERS

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