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HomeasiaAsian Insider: Building ‘the Chinese way’ | America’s changing views on China

Asian Insider: Building ‘the Chinese way’ | America’s changing views on China

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Leaders of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) are meeting at the Asean summit in Jakarta, Indonesia, this week, joined by the United States’ Vice-President Kamala Harris, Chinese Premier Li Qiang and leaders of other partner countries. 

On Wednesday, Mr Li urged the bloc to oppose taking sides in a thinly veiled reference to the US, while Ms Harris pledged Washington’s enduring commitment to the region. The following day, Indonesian President Joko Widodo pleaded with the world’s big powers to “strengthen cooperation, not sharpen rivalries”. Singapore’s Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong warned that tensions between the two powers could stoke flashpoints in the region and undermine the peace, prosperity and stability that Asean has enjoyed for decades. 

In America, top officials’ perception of China appears to be shifting amid signs of a troubled Chinese economy, with the emerging debate in Washington now being centred on how to deal with a China in decline, global affairs correspondent Jonathan Eyal writes. 

This year marks the 10th anniversary of China’s Belt and Road Initiative. The global infrastructure strategy has brought many benefits to its neighbouring countries – with new railways and bridges bringing jobs, tourists and greater convenience – but also fresh problems and tensions, as The Straits Times’ correspondents find. 

Over in Australia, growing demand among its affluent ageing population for better residential options in retirement has driven firms to innovate, redesigning properties to cater to the needs of the elderly while not forgoing central locations and comfortable living standards, Jonathan Pearlman reports.

US’ changing views on China

For almost a decade, all the talk among key US officials was about the rise of China and what the US could do to accommodate itself to the inevitable. But over the past month or so, the debate in Washington has swung 180 degrees in the opposite direction.

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Building ‘the Chinese way’

Ten years into China’s Belt and Road Initiative, the global infrastructure strategy has improved Beijing’s links with its neighbours, but also created some new problems.


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Pow-wow at Asean summit

China’s Premier Li Qiang urged Asean to oppose a new Cold War, while US Vice-President Kamala Harris reaffirmed Washington’s commitment to the Indo-Pacific region.

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Delhi’s pricey G-20 makeover

A legion of workers have been toiling for months now to ensure that New Delhi looks its best for the G-20 summit, but refurbishing the capital comes at a cost to the common man.

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Despite diplomatic wrinkles, PM Modi gets kudos at home for India’s G-20 presidency 

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